Sentence example with the word 'diffusers'


Last update: June 14, 2015


With the latter system practically as much sugar is obtained from the canes as by diffusion, and the resulting megass furnishes, in a well-appointed factory, sufficient fuel for the crop. With diffusion, however, in addition to the strict scientific control necessary to secure the benefits of the process, fuel - that is, coal or wood - has to be provided for the working off of the crop, since the spent chips or slices from the diffusers are useless for this purpose; although it is true that in some plantations the spent chips have to a certain extent been utilized as fuel by mixing them with a portion of the molasses, which otherwise would have been sold or converted into rum.   [Please select]


But even if Longfellow and his friends had been nothing more than translators and diffusers of European culture, their task would have been justified.   [Please select]

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diffuser - diffusers - diffuses