Sentence example with the word 'digressing'


Last update: June 19, 2015


33).1 While the earlier classical physiognomy was chiefly descriptive, the later medieval authors particularly developed the predictive and astrological side, their treatises often digressing into chiromancy, onychomancy, clidomancy, podoscopy, spasmatomancy, and other blanches of prophetic folk-lore and magic.   [Please select]


But I am digressing, and must go back to the point I left.   [Please select]


Clemente, done at the order of Maria Macellaria)] But I am digressing from my subject.   [Please select]


But I am digressing, and so back to my subject--the Russian long-haired cat.   [Please select]


But all this is digressing most fearfully from the nursery of young pointers and setters.   [Please select]


I was merely digressing, which I admit is wrong, as you're apt to distract the attention of your hearer from the real subject.'   [Please select]


Yes, we have, and, after the manner of philosophers, we are digressing; I have often observed how ridiculous this habit of theirs makes them when they appear in court.   [Please select]

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digressed - digressing - digression