Sentence example with the word 'disbeliever'


Definition n. someone who refuses to believe

Last update: September 11, 2015


Hitherto he had been wont to pose as a disbeliever in the German menace, and an advocate of reductions in British armaments.   [Please select]


As it was, he might almost have been on the other side--a believer or a disbeliever--or merely a person looking on to see what would happen.   [Please select]


He was a disbeliever in the popular religion of his countrymen, and entertained conceptions of God and his moral government not very different from the doctrines of Socrates.   [Please select]


"[49] Yet not even Ady was a downright disbeliever."   [Please select]

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disbelieved - disbeliever - disbelievers