Sentence example with the word 'discernable'


Definition adj. perceptible by the senses or intellect

Last update: September 29, 2015


From the sublimity of Thucydides, and Xenophon's straightforward story, history passed with Theopompus and Ephorus into the field of rhetoric. A revival of the scientific instinct of investigation is discernable in Timaeus the Sicilian, at the end of the 4th century, but his attack upon his predecessors was the text of a more crushing attack upon himself by Polybius, who declares him lacking in critical insight and biased by passion.   [Please select]


The molars are well worn, but the pattern, as a whole, is easily discernable.   [Please select]


Long unpainted, they were barely discernable in the shadows of the hills.   [Please select]


Contempt or scorn has so strong a tincture of pride, that there scarce is any other passion discernable: Whereas in esteem or respect, love makes a more considerable ingredient than humility.   [Please select]


The ventral border of the massenteric ridge is weakly developed in _onerosus_ and hardly discernable whereas in the living species of _Heterogeomys_ the massenteric ridge is strongly developed posteriorly forming a noticeable prominence.   [Please select]

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discern - discernable - discerned