Sentence example with the word 'discerns'


Last update: September 5, 2015


But the Synoptists, especially Mark, give the slow steps in even the apostles' realization of Jesus' Messianic character; only at Caesarea Philippi Simon alone, for the first time, clearly discerns it, Jesus declaring that His Father has revealed it to Him, and yet Simon is still scandalized at the thought of a suffering Messiah (Mark viii.   [Please select]


Burton pays me discerns him an' me an' I don't care to discourse it in public.   [Please select]


Pausing near the house, Wakefield discerns through the parlor-windows of the second floor the red glow and the glimmer and fitful flash of a comfortable fire.   [Please select]


Around and above them one then dimly discerns the movement of broken and drooping shadows, and the stirring of ranks and groups of specters against the walls.   [Please select]

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discernments - discerns - discharge