Sentence example with the word 'discomfiting'


Last update: July 10, 2015


His immense learning served him rather as a storehouse of illustrations, or as an armoury out of which he could choose the fittest weapon for discomfiting on opponent, than as a quarry furnishing him with material for building up a completely designed and enduring edifice of systematized truth.   [Please select]


This was discomfiting even to a man who piqued himself on his resources in conversation.   [Please select]


After discomfiting her tormenters, or wounding and scattering them, she would return to my side.   [Please select]


Dorn's reaction to this appellation was discomfiting and painful for the soldier.   [Please select]


A series of discomfiting baths and repeated currying with the dandy brush had made Chum's grand coat stand out in shimmering fluffiness.   [Please select]


They laid him on a couch prepared for him amidships on the main deck, where the vessel's pitching was least discomfiting.   [Please select]

Do you have a better example in your mind? Please submit your sentence!

discomfited - discomfiting - discomfits