Sentence example with the word 'discontinuance'


abandonment, breakoff, ceasing, cold storage, disconnectedness, discontinuousness, ending, incoherence, non sequitur, nonseriality, renouncement, stopping, waiver

Definition n. the act of discontinuing or breaking off

Last update: October 22, 2015


The mutual ardour;gradually cooled; motives of prudence and decorum urged the discontinuance of the connexion; and disillusion changed insensibly to disgust.   [Please select]


Always the ear expected its discontinuance, until finally the persistence ground on the nerves like the barking of a dog at night.   [Please select]


Traditionally, it is said that, following the discontinuance of the prescribed ceremonies, the favor of the gods was withdrawn, the clouds brought no rain, and the fields yielded no corn.   [Please select]


He consented to a discontinuance of the original action because of the variance of the complaint from the subsequently discovered facts.   [Please select]


For in the second number, he mentions with that singular serenity, which ever distinguished him on such occasions, the discontinuance of the paper on account of matter contained in the first issue, by ten indignant subscribers.   [Please select]


It may be said to have commenced about the year 1540, and to have continued to about the middle of the seventeenth century; but it is difficult to assign a precise date either for its introduction or discontinuance.   [Please select]

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discontents - discontinuance - discontinuances