Sentence example with the word 'discretion'


airtight secrecy, cautiousness, crypticness, expressionlessness, full consent, inaccessibility, optionality, provision, safety first, tentativeness, wish

Definition n. freedom to act or judge on one's own

Last update: June 17, 2015


The servants showed great tact and discretion.   [noun]


R seemed to be more distant but no less attentive, and perhaps under his veil of discretion is even more technically adroit.   [noun]


The ambit of discretion Worse, both judgments end with a particularly unhelpful observation.   [noun]


"No, no; I have not said so much as that," returned Hawkeye, drawing back with suitable discretion, when he noted the eagerness with which Magua listened to his proposal.   [noun]


The peace and happiness of the world depend entirely upon your discretion.   [noun]


After he had sufficiently extolled the property of discretion, he undertook to exhibit in what manner its use was applicable to the present situation of their tribe.   [noun]


"Well, beauty, you know that I trust you in everything, because of your very keen discretion, and freedom from stupid little prejudice."   [noun]


"You wish me to help you in some way," she said; "your object is sure to be good; and you trust me in everything, because of my discretion."   [noun]


Zebedee hesitated half a moment, betwixt discretion and the pride of knowledge.   [noun]

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