Sentence example with the word 'disembarkation'


Definition n. the act of passengers and crew getting off of a ship or aircraft

Last update: June 9, 2015


Public opinion declared against the traffic; severe laws were passed against it, and were so firmly enforced that in 1853 not a single disembarkation took place.   [Please select]


Not until the 8th did the sea moderate sufficiently for a disembarkation to be attempted.   [Please select]


The wind, which had been blowing strongly the night before, and had seriously hindered the work of disembarkation of the French troops, had now subsided.   [Please select]


"On October 5, the Allies, upon invitation of the Greek premier, began the disembarkation of troops at Saloniki to go to the assistance of the Serbians; and, so far as I know, they are still landing."   [Please select]

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disembark - disembarkation - disembarked