Sentence example with the word 'disguise'


accouter, camouflage, deception, eclipse, falsity, hide, misreport, poor imitation, sham, twist

Definition n. an outward semblance that misrepresents the true nature of something

Last update: August 30, 2015


The theatrical notion of disguise is always associated with catastrophe in his.   [Please select]


They are monsters in disguise who live among us.   [Please select]


His figured panoply of death looked more like a disguise assumed in mockery than a fierce annunciation of a desire to carry destruction in his footsteps.   [Please select]


The scout, who had left David at the door, to ascertain they were not observed, thought it prudent to preserve his disguise until assured of their privacy.   [Please select]


Presuming on his disguise, and his ability to sustain the character he had assumed, he took the most plain and direct route to the place.   [Please select]


Southwell followed Sir Robert Dudley to Italy, disguised as a page.   [Please select]


"Look out for the scarecrows in Sir John's fields, for the odds are you will see me some day disguised as one."   [Please select]


I hate your London trash; and I think the great fire would have been a blessing in disguise if it had swept away most of such trumpery.   [Please select]

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disgruntlement - disguise - disguised