Sentence example with the word 'dissociating'


Last update: July 8, 2015


Chem., 1905, p. 311) or by dissociating the tetraand pentachloride in a graphite crucible with an electric current below 1330° (J.   [Please select]


"We women make a great mistake in dissociating happiness and contentment."   [Please select]


On the contrary love, the active state of Ahimsa, requires you to resist the wrong-doer by dissociating yourself from him even though it may offend him or injure him physically.   [Please select]


For an hour he excoriated her, hated her, feared her, dissociating her from the vast army of womanhood, but congratulating himself upon having known her.   [Please select]

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dissociated - dissociating - dissociation