Sentence example with the word 'dissoluteness'


Definition n. indiscipline with regard to sensuous pleasures

Last update: September 14, 2015


A sermon which he preached before the Synod at St Andrews against the dissoluteness of the clergy gave great offence to the provost, who cast him into prison, and might have carried his resentment to the extremest limit had not Alesius contrived to escape to Germany in 1532.   [Please select]


Gildas; but its inmates were ignorant and disorderly, and added insubordination to dissoluteness.   [Please select]


There must have been other reasons unknown to me; what I saw was much dissoluteness and shamelessness, and a great deal of improper conduct.   [Please select]


The floors were littered with papers; the walls were greasy and bedecked with malodorous notations, documents and pictures; the windows were smoky and useless; the clerk's desk bore every suggestion of dissoluteness.   [Please select]

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dissolutely - dissoluteness - dissolution