Sentence example with the word 'dissonant'


absonant, cacophonous, deviating, discrepant, distinguished, hostile, inharmonious, off-key, rude, uncongenial, variegated

Definition adj. characterized by musical dissonance

Last update: June 22, 2015


Is this a dissonant chord, or just wrong?   [adjective]


The only dissonant note could come from a sibling or childhood friend.   [adjective]


His laugh is said to have been quite horrible; and his screech-owl voice, shrill, uncouth, and dissonant, corresponded well with his other peculiarities.   [adjective]


Thus b"c"' and b'bc" have each 66 beats per second, yet the former is more dissonant than the latter.   [Please select]


And, at moments, this silence became dissonant with the clamour of unreason.   [Please select]


Dissonant sites of theatres ([Greek: katĂȘchountes]), 153.   [Please select]


"--a voice replied, whose shrill, uncouth, and dissonant tones made Elliot step two paces back, and startled even his companion, "Pass on your way, and ask nought at them that ask nought at you.   [Please select]


The intervals of the octave, the fifth, the third, for instance, that is, C-C', C-G, C-E, in the diatonic scale, are harmonious; while the interval of the second, C-D, is said to be dissonant.'   [Please select]

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dissonances - dissonant - dissuade