Sentence example with the word 'distils'


Last update: July 5, 2015


Its principal commercial source is the fraction of coal-tar which distils between i 50 and 200° C., in which it was discovered in 1834 by F.   [Please select]


But Love distils His philters fatefully.   [Please select]


This law, that spirituality and not materialism distils the precious attar of great art, is permanently true and perennially applicable, for laws of this order do not change from age to age, however various their manifestation.   [Please select]


Such a man has settled his destiny; he has come to the great spiritual affirmation of life--an affirmation which has to be repeated so often, and which each time distils something of a higher order within the soul.   [Please select]


This crude wood acid is distilled, and the wood spirit which distils off first is collected separately from the acetic acid which afterwards comes over.   [Please select]


, pure fusel oil distils over.   [Please select]


, a pure oil distils into the receiver.   [Please select]


During this period, a thin limpid fluid distils from the nostrils, leading a careless observer to confound the symptoms with those which accompany Coryza.   [Please select]

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distills - distils - distinct