Sentence example with the word 'ditty'


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Definition n. a short simple song

Last update: July 22, 2015


Yet it started life 150 years ago as an obscure ditty composed as a pop song of its time by a little-known pub musician.   [noun]


The next time you 're banging your head against this particular brick wall you might find the following ditty helpful.   [noun]


Suddenly, however, one of his roulades ceased with more abruptness than usual and the enchanted Tristram waited in vain for the ditty to be resumed.   [noun]


But so long as the poor young fellow's life is saved, I can comfort myself with the fag-end of a ditty as old as myself.   [noun]


Give us a ditty.   [noun]


Taking Stephen on one side he had the customary doleful ditty to tell.   [noun]


Two street lanterns broken in succession, that ditty sung at the top of the lungs.   [noun]


I was surprised into crooning this ditty as I pushed her over the floor.   [noun]


CHAPTER IVTHOLOMYES IS SO MERRY THAT HE SINGS A SPANISH DITTY That day was composed of dawn, from one end to the other.   [noun]


Lydgate certainly possessed extraordinary versatility, which enabled him to turn from elaborate epics to quite popular poems like the Mumming at Hertford, A Ditty of Women's Horns and London Lickpenny.   [Please select]


At one moment it was the Salvation chorus, at the next a music-hall ditty.   [Please select]

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dittos - ditty - diuresis