Sentence example with the word 'doorless'


Last update: July 7, 2015


Yup. Even after running around with that dingbat mother like a mouse in a doorless maze.   [Please select]


Then the Rajput faced about and went striding through the doorless opening into the black night--the last I was destined to see of him alive.   [Please select]


Then, though, that castle proved to be a very Vesuvius, for the draught poured in through the doorless arch and hurried the hot flames skyward to be mushroomed roaring against the belly of black clouds.   [Please select]


The cows by and by filed slowly around from behind the barn and entered the doorless milking stalls.   [Please select]


Just then, ere he could reply, the clatter of hoofs was heard, and a bronzed, stalwart horseman was seen through the doorless entrance of the hut, approaching at a brisk trot.   [Please select]


I have seen so many bewildered people whose spacious doorless downstairs rooms were a joy in summer, shivering all winter long in a polar atmosphere.   [Please select]


Unlike the first building into which she had been conducted, the entrance to which had been doorless, massive doors closed the entrance which she now approached.   [Please select]

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doorknobs - doorless - doorman