Sentence example with the word 'draggingly'


Definition adv. in a dragging manner

Last update: August 1, 2015


"The harpoon," said Ahab, half way rising, and draggingly leaning on one bended arm--"is it safe?"   [Please select]


She leaned draggingly upon his arm as they walked.   [Please select]


It was like lying curled in the hollow of a drum, a drum beaten draggingly and slow.   [Please select]


But the way he renders it is the way he renders the whole part--slowly, draggingly, diffusively, with innumerable pauses and lapses, and without a hint of the rapidity, the intensity and _entrain_ which are needful for carrying off the improbabilities of so explicit and confidential a villain and so melodramatic a hero.   [Please select]

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dragging - draggingly - draggle