Sentence example with the word 'draughtsmen'


Last update: August 11, 2015


This is devoted to the very distinct and not nearly-allied groups of hornbills and of birds which for want of a better name we must call " Chatterers," and is illustrated, like those works of which a notice immediately follows, by coloured plates, done in what was then considered to be the highest style of art and by the best draughtsmen procurable.   [Please select]


These created a demand for topographical draughtsmen to assist the engravers.   [Please select]


Nash, and other excellent draughtsmen, which have for many years adorned our exhibitions.   [Please select]


There were draughtsmen to make designs, and, from these, detailed working drawings.   [Please select]


He's going to give a dinner, he says, to his draughtsmen.   [Please select]


He took with him Dr Solander, a Swedish naturalist, a secretary, two draughtsmen, and four servants.   [Please select]


Many of the officers who subsequently became well known as arctic explorers were employed in these expeditions; among others were Mr Beechy and Mr Hoppner, both sons of eminent artists, and themselves excellent draughtsmen.   [Please select]


While the work of clearing away the debris went forward, a corps of draughtsmen was busily occupied preparing plans for the new buildings to adorn the city.   [Please select]

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draughtsman - draughtsmen - draughty