Sentence example with the word 'drawbridge'


abatis, barrier, bulwark, curtain, fence, gangplank, merlon, parapet, rope bridge, suspension bridge

Definition n. a bridge that can be raised to block passage or to allow boats or ships to pass beneath it

Last update: July 14, 2015


The drawbridge of London Bridge having been lowered by treachery, Tyler and his followers crossed the Thames; and being joined by thousands of London apprentices, artisans and criminals, they sacked and burnt John of Gaunt's splendid palace of the Savoy, the official residence of the treasurer, Sir Robert Hales, and the prisons of Newgate and the Fleet.   [Please select]


The chains of the drawbridge had at once been cut.   [Please select]


The drawbridge was up and the walls bristled with armed men.   [Please select]


Seest thou that drawbridge of Nature's own construction.   [Please select]


As soon as one is finished, with its drawbridge, ladder, and entrance, proceed with the next.   [Please select]


By this time they had crossed the drawbridge, the servants leading their horses after them.   [Please select]


When twenty yards from the outpost I see the first drawbridge going up.   [Please select]

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drawbore - drawbridge - drawbridges