Sentence example with the word 'edema'


abscess, ascent, broadening, development, fatigue, hydrops, lumbago, puffiness, spread, turgidness

Definition n. swelling from excessive accumulation of watery fluid in cells

Last update: June 21, 2015


_--The symptoms of oak poisoning are constipation, mucus and blood in the feces, emaciation, and edema.   [Please select]


_--The general symptoms are those of heart weakness, accompanied with edema and congestion of the lungs.   [Please select]


_--Edema generally results from a weakened state of the system arising from previous disease.   [Please select]


_--When the cause can be ascertained and removed we may expect to see the edema disappear.   [Please select]


Edema may be distinguished from erysipelas or anthrax by the absence of pain and fever.   [Please select]


Man is susceptible to malignant edema, but not to blackleg.   [Please select]


The local tumor in malignant edema contains gas bubbles, which are absent in anthrax swellings.   [Please select]


In severe cases the tension due to edema obstructs venous and even arterial flow, in which case bacteria may multiply rapidly in the necrotic tissue and gangrene can occur.   [Please select]


The application of pressure so as to cause the disappearance of the hernia is best made immediately after the occurrence of the accident, or when the edema which accompanies the swelling has disappeared.   [Please select]

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edelweiss - edema - edemas