Sentence example with the word 'educed'


Last update: February 15, 2016


One might prefer as a theist to hold (1) that we need a philosophical doctrine of the nature of reality - the " Absolute "; given in popular form in the Cosmological argument; (2) that we take the risk of attaching a higher degree of significance and authority to the revelations of the moral consciousness, which, although moulded or educed by society, do not terminate in the authority of society, but point beyond it to God; this position has its popular form in the moral argument; possibly (3) that necessities of thought shut us up to belief in omnipotence or infinity; (4) that divine help is the supreme revelation.   [verb]


This educed a moue of doubt, with: "I'm not worthy the honor."'   [Please select]


The scattered elements of truth cease to contend, and begin to coalesce; and at length a system of justice and order is educed out of the chaos.   [Please select]


He educed many illustrations in proof of the fact and quoted a remark of Asa Gray, the most eminent of American botanists, that is worth repeating.   [Please select]

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educe - educed - educes