Sentence example with the word 'elliptic'


abbreviated, brief, clipped, contracted, digested, gnomic, oblongitudinal, reaped, short, summary, truncated

Definition adj. (of a leaf shape) in the form of an ellipse

Last update: October 29, 2015


The planets move in elliptic orbital.   [Please select]


Elliptic orbits, and a parabolic orbit considered as the special case when the eccentricity of the ellipse is 1, are almost the only ones the astronomer has to consider, and our attention will therefore be confined to them in the present article.   [Please select]


1 _a_) are more or less transversely elongated, so as to become almost elliptic instead of triangular.   [Please select]


Of course, then, I put in the bottom of my new large trunk in New York, not a "duplex elliptic," for none were then made, but a "Belmonte," of thirty springs, for my wife.   [Please select]


A section, parallel to the growth layers, varies in the different species from elliptic to broadly oval, and in _L.   [Please select]

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ellipsoids - elliptic - elliptical