Sentence example with the word 'emendation'


Definition n. a correction by emending

Last update: January 6, 2016


Margin the Jewish interpretation) to be merely a translation of the Jewish interpretation; and to the present day it is usual, though obviously uncritical and wrong, to describe perfectly legitimate translations of the received consonantal text, if they happen to presuppose other vowels than those provided by Jewish tradition, as based on emendation; even in the English edition of Haupt's Sacred Books of the Old Testament (see below) the possibility of this unfortunate misunderstanding is not altogether removed.   [Please select]


Sterling's emendation is worthy of honor: "Realize your cant, not cast it off."   [Please select]


Allow me but a trifling emendation, and Matthew Arnold's lines will serve to indicate that romance.   [Please select]


_--Greek, emendation of _syrrhaptos_, meaning sewn together in reference to the united outer metatarsals.   [Please select]


[416-3] Accepting de Lollis's emendation _á César_ instead of the MS.   [Please select]


Judge Conwell glanced curiously at Harry Sanderson as he blotted the emendation.   [Please select]

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