Sentence example with the word 'emprise'


Last update: September 14, 2015


Lancelot, as lover of Guinevere, could not be permitted to achieve so spiritual an emprise, yet as leading knight of Arthur's court it was impossible to allow him to be surpassed by another.   [Please select]


He was "high strung to high emprise," and could not look behind him.   [Please select]


His dreams during the stroll back alone in the moonlight had been of lofty things, of poetry and fame and high emprise; giggling Gerties had no place in them.   [Please select]


The architect who assists in the emprise of weaving this garment will be supremely blessed, but only he who has kept the vigil with prayer and fasting will be supremely qualified.   [Please select]

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empresses - emprise - emprize