Sentence example with the word 'enervated'


apathetic, devil, enfant terrible, footsore, jaded, mischief, reduced, sluggish, unnerved, wayworn, worn

Definition adj. lacking strength or vigor

Last update: September 21, 2015


Equally extensive, but less important in the political sphere, were the Papal States and Veneti, the former torpid under the obscurantist rule of pope and cardinals, the latter enervated by luxury and the policy of unmanly complaisance long pursued by doge and council.   [Please select]


It was a fierce protest against the luxuries of an enervated age.   [Please select]


The punishment of the enervated and sensual Roman was by war.   [Please select]


Under the successor of the enervated Egyptian king, Ptolemy V.   [Please select]


[566] “He soon allowed himself to be enervated by his love for his young wife.   [Please select]


Like the Romans, they were warriors and conquerors, but became enervated by luxury.   [Please select]


Possibly this disease was typhus fever; more probably it was a form of infectious pneumonia, due to enervated conditions of the body and to exposures at Cape Cod.   [Please select]


Then there are the mosquitoes with which the same careful mother peoples the groves, even in April, industrious little creatures not in the least enervated by the climate.   [Please select]

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