Sentence example with the word 'ennoblement'


Definition n. the state of being noble

Last update: July 14, 2015


Joan's knowledge of the prophecy does not, however, appear till 1429; and already before that, from 1424, according to her account at her trial, she 1 In the"act of ennoblement the name is spelt Day, due probably to the peculiar pronunciation.   [Please select]


As much was inherent in Gautama’s teaching, but the stress was certainly laid upon the teaching itself, and upon withdrawal from rather than upon the ennoblement of the ordinary affairs of men.   [Please select]


They talk of the ennoblement of sacrifice.   [Please select]


This ennoblement of eternal objects reacted with comic effect on the interior of the house itself; outside it was a marble palace, surrounded by statuary; within--alas.   [Please select]

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ennobled - ennoblement - ennobles