Sentence example with the word 'enslave'


adopt, bully, deprive of freedom, fetter, hold in leash, lord it over, overmaster, requisition, suppress, trample down, walk all over

Definition v. make a slave of

Last update: August 27, 2015


We have become enslaved to the motor car.   [verb]


When Darkyn's demons had wiped out his village, a tiny stopover on their journey to enslave the mortal realm.   [verb]


Yet he could still gather a force which enabled him to seize Segesta, to slay or enslave the whole population, and to settle the city with new inhabitants.   [verb]


What a fool I am so to be cowed and enslaved, by a man no better endowed than myself with anything, except self-confidence.   [verb]


The government, they tell us, with its army, is necessary to defend us from neighboring states who might enslave us.   [verb]


We are enslaved by the laws we set up for our protection, which have become our oppression.   [verb]


"Without governments nations would be enslaved by their neighbors."   [verb]


Every word that this dear creature spoke, riveted the chains with which she held me enslaved.   [verb]


The most ardent churchworkers, the most tireless missionaries the world over, are women, always sacrificing on the altar of the gods that have chained her spirit and enslaved her body.   [verb]


Not forgetful of his[Pg 320] enslaved, unfortunate grand-father, she had named the child Solomon Northup Staunton.   [verb]


In her exalted conceit she does not see how truly enslaved she is, not so much by man, as by her own silly notions and traditions.   [verb]

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enskied - enslave - enslaved