Sentence example with the word 'enslavement'


Definition n. the state of being a slave

Last update: October 22, 2015


He always hated the enslavement of the death dealers; he refused to give Death his soul until forced to make a deal with her for Rhyn's life a few months ago.   [Please select]


It prohibited their enslavement and gave them the protection of humane laws.   [Please select]


The classes and status of slaves, and the causes of enslavement are recounted.   [Please select]


Nowhere has socialistic legislation been so cunningly and skilfully used for the enslavement of the people.   [Please select]


Did I not break up those combinations which would have perpetuated the enslavement of Europe.   [Please select]


Those conquerors were contented with conquest and its political results,--namely, the enslavement and spoliation of the people; they did not pollute the sacred places like the Syrian persecutor.   [Please select]


We will call womanhood from enslavement to form, ceremony and tradition, in which the brute nature of man has bound her, out and up into her larger self, the mate and equal of man.   [Please select]

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enslaved - enslavement - enslavements