Sentence example with the word 'epaulet'


aviation badge, bar, chicken, hash mark, oak leaf, overseas bar, patch, service stripe, shoulder sleeve insignia, star, submarine badge

Definition n. adornment consisting of an ornamental cloth pad worn on the shoulder

Last update: June 20, 2015


The genus is characterized by the arrangement of the sporangia, which hang down from the lower surface of the little oval fertile leaflets, the whole resembling an epaulet with its fringe (fig.   [noun]


I once had a sparrow alight upon my shoulder for a moment while I was hoeing in a village garden, and I felt that I was more distinguished by that circumstance than I should have been by any epaulet I could have worn.   [noun]


He was now in an adjutant's uniform with one epaulet and a shoulder knot.   [noun]


His short military coat of fine blue cloth bore a silver epaulet on either shoulder.   [Please select]


There were many companies in the Continental buff and blue, epauletted officers, bayonets and cannon.   [Please select]


"I think I can see a gleam of the sun on an epaulet."   [Please select]


He was now in an adjutant's uniform with one epaulet and a shoulder knot.   [Please select]


As Harry straightened himself on his feet a bullet went through the brim of his cap, and another clipped his epaulet.   [Please select]


Once an epaulet showed behind a bush and then a breadth of tanned face which he was sure belonged to De Courcelles.   [Please select]

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eosines - epaulet - epaulets