Sentence example with the word 'evokes'


Last update: June 11, 2015


This latter is absolute misery, and to cure it the Unconscious evokes its Reason and with its aid creates the best of all possible worlds, which contains the promise of its redemption from actual existence by the emancipation of the Reason from its subjugation to the Will in the conscious reason of the enlightened pessimist.   [Please select]


Nothing evokes a memory like an odor.   [Please select]


The rest--what Kelly shows us--evokes wonder, delight, awe, enthusiasm.   [Please select]


It is well named; the very name evokes a mental picture of the insect.   [Please select]


One of these ideas evokes another, and so an endless chain of images passes along.   [Please select]


"It's there," is the evasive reply of the second fatigue man, whom experience has taught that a proclamation of the menu always evokes the bitterness of disillusion.   [Please select]


The complex associations which it evokes, modify the associations evoked by other words in the same passage, in a way distinct from logical or grammatical connection.   [Please select]

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evoked - evokes - evoking