Sentence example with the word 'exaggeratedly'


Definition adv. in an exaggerated manner

Last update: August 29, 2015


It even occurred to him that the manner of the man at the cigar counter--the man he had just told to get him a ticket, had not been quite natural; had been a little exaggeratedly matter-of-fact.   [Please select]


It has been exaggeratedly said that Copley Fielding was “perhaps the greatest artist after Turner for representations of breadth and atmosphere.   [Please select]


Exaggeratedly short or long legs.   [Please select]


Loring and Violet had disappeared from view and only returned to us at supper-time so exaggeratedly calm and self-possessed that Amy squeezed my arm warningly as we entered the Club House.   [Please select]

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exaggerated - exaggeratedly - exaggerates