Sentence example with the word 'exhorts'


Last update: October 8, 2015


And he exhorts them as members of the Body of Christ to manifest their faith in Christian love, particularly in their domestic relations and in their contact with non Christians (iii.   [Please select]


He exhorts us frequently.   [Please select]


He exhorts, he threatens, he reproaches, he promises, often in the same chapter.   [Please select]


What do _you_ think of a man who exhorts and warns a woman to stand fast, and then stands dumb at the first impact of temptation.   [Please select]


He fears that Bentham will be charged with stealing from Paley, and exhorts him to come home and 'establish a great literary reputation in your own language, and in this country which you despise.'   [Please select]

Do you have a better example in your mind? Please submit your sentence!

exhorting - exhorts - exhumation