Sentence example with the word 'extirpation'


Definition n. surgical removal of a body part or tissue

Last update: September 24, 2015


2 Finally, in the towns every house is provided with a detective policeman in the person of the porter (dvornik), who is charged with the duty of reporting to the police the presence of any suspicious characters or anything else that may interest them .3 In addition to the above there is also a police organization, in direct subordination to the ministry of the interior, of which the principal function is the discovery, pre vention and extirpation of political sedition.   [Please select]


"The Women's Association for the Extirpation of the whole breed of War Lords," she threw out.   [Please select]


Vermin revel in filth, and their extirpation depends mainly on cleanliness.   [Please select]


But the emperor did not venture on any decisive measures for the extirpation of the "heresy."   [Please select]


, also demanded the extirpation of heresies, in accordance with the Coronation Oath.   [Please select]


The true remedy for them is not extirpation but prevention.   [Please select]


To it Ireland owes the extirpation of wolves, and itself now scarcely exists but in name.   [Please select]


To the French colony the extirpation of the Hurons came as a severe blow.   [Please select]


The extirpation of the bison west of the Rocky Mountains was due to legitimate hunting for food and clothing rather than for marketable peltries.   [Please select]


At the very time the effort in behalf of buffalo protection was abandoned the northern herd still flourished, and might have been preserved from extirpation.   [Please select]

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