Sentence example with the word 'facades'


Last update: July 25, 2015


That they represent the Persepolis captured and partly destroyed by Alexander the Great has been beyond dispute at least since the time of Pietro della Valle.2 Behind Takhti Jamshid are three sepulchres hewn out of the rock in the hillside, the facades, one of which is incomplete, being richly ornamented with reliefs.   [Please select]


These interior facades were even more tragic than the exterior.   [Please select]


Only a few stragglers hurried over the glistening sidewalks; only a few lights yet remained in the facades of the tall, grey office buildings.   [Please select]


Desnoyers spent many years ornamenting salons and facades.   [Please select]


Argensola accompanied him, and they returned in a few minutes with the volume, leaving the doors open behind them, so as to make a stronger current of air among the hollows of the facades and the interior patio.   [Please select]


It traversed uncultivated fields with skeletons of dwellings, and ran through burned towns which were no more than a succession of blackened facades.   [Please select]


Theatres and music halls lined two of its sides, and the gas on their facades and the beacons on their roofs were beginning to burn brightly in the fading daylight.   [Please select]


With these they constructed houses whose carved totem poles and graceful facades gave promise of an architecture of great beauty.   [Please select]


Unlike the mansions of vast and imposing facades that were beginning everywhere to catch the eye on Fifth Avenue, and that followed mostly the continental styles of architecture, the house of the Cecil Graingers had a substantial, "middle of-the-eighties" appearance.   [Please select]


The facades of these caves are perfect, generally in the form of an arch, executed in the rock with every variety of detail, and therefore imperishable without violence.   [Please select]


Dropping back fifty feet, another structure, crowned by Greek facades, sprang ten stories higher, forming the base of the central dome.   [Please select]

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facade - facades - facecloth