Sentence example with the word 'faggot'


auntie, bisexual, butch, chicken, fag, femme, fricatrice, gunsel, homophile, homosexualist, lesbian, pansy, punk, queer, tribade

Definition n. offensive term for an openly homosexual man

Last update: August 9, 2015


The clay is dug from the land or from ditches or pits and placed in heaps of 60 to ioo loads each, with faggot wood, refuse coals or other fuel.   [Please select]


Begonies, he made the big faggot dance home, with himself sitting on it.   [Please select]


"Teeth and claws are no worse than the torch, the faggot and the stake, perhaps better."   [Please select]


For they had set off towards the faggot-maker's cottage, which they had almost reached.   [Please select]


"That reminds me I haven't found my faggot yet," said Beth Broadway easily.   [Please select]


So says she to him next morning, "Tom, you thief, you never done any good yet, and you six foot high, and past nineteen;--take that rope and bring me a faggot from the wood."   [Please select]

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fagging - faggot - faggoting