Sentence example with the word 'farces'


Last update: October 20, 2015


The Marguerites consist of a very miscellaneous collection of poems, mysteries, farces, devotional poems of considerable length, spiritual and miscellaneous songs, &c. The Dernieres poesies, not printed till 1896 (by M.   [Please select]


The entertainments of the theatres usually took the form of comedies, farces, and pantomimes.   [Please select]


He afterwards wrote more unexceptionably, composed lyrics instead of farces, and satires instead of plays.   [Please select]


Many favourite farces were played, and the burlesque written by the chaplain met with great success.   [Please select]


Even Racine once so far forgot himself as to allude in her presence to the miserable farces of the poet Scarron,--an unpremeditated and careless insult which she never forgot or forgave.   [Please select]


For several years after returning from Leyden he gained a precarious living by writing plays, farces, and buffoneries for the stage.   [Please select]

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farce - farces - farceur