Sentence example with the word 'feasibility'


achievability, advisability, compassability, expedience, fruitfulness, maneuverability, performability, practicality, realizability, superability, viability, workability

Definition n. the quality of being doable

Last update: August 11, 2015


The boss has asked the group to study the feasibility of setting up a laboratory to carry out some specific assignments.   [Please select]


This answered sufficiently well to prove the feasibility of the plan, and subsequent experiments were directed to the discovery of the best form and arrangement of the parts.   [Please select]


Of the feasibility of this latter, however, General Stoneman was to judge.   [Please select]


General Gallieni spent some minutes considering the feasibility of this plan.   [Please select]


I was selected to make the experiment, in order to satisfy ourselves of its feasibility.   [Please select]


But some of the caciques doubted the feasibility of the plan.   [Please select]


A plan had occurred to him, and he was considering its feasibility.   [Please select]


Besides investigating the disaster, the committee was directed to look into the feasibility of international agreements for the further protection of ocean traffic.   [Please select]


"The lay of the land, the strength of the enemy's position, how his army is laid out, and, lastly, the feasibility of a quick dash over the Alps."   [Please select]

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feasance - feasibility - feasible