Sentence example with the word 'fecund'


abundant, conceptive, effusive, formless, gushy, inventive, overflowing, productive, redundant, shaping, thriving

Definition adj. capable of producing offspring or vegetation

Last update: July 26, 2015


This area has fecund soil.   [adjective]


There is no one writing fantasy today with a more fecund imagination than China Miéville.   [adjective]


Has labor, once so fecund, likewise become sterile.   [adjective]


To say: "the plant wills," instead of: "the plant grows": this would be fecund in results, indeed, if we were to add: "the universe wills."   [adjective]


No study is more efficacious and more fecund in instruction.   [adjective]


Diniz, who had been educated by Amyeric of Cahors, proved himself the most fecund poetking of his day, though the pleiad of fidalgos forming his court, and the jograes who flocked there from all parts, were fewer in number, less productive, and lacked the originality, vigour and brilliance of the singers who versified round Alphonso III.   [Please select]


Fecund nature begets and squanders thousands of these rich seeds in the wilderness of life.   [Please select]


In February, 80 per cent of the fecund females were adults.   [Please select]

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fatigue - fecund - fleeting