Sentence example with the word 'felspar'


Definition n. any of a group of hard crystalline minerals that consist of aluminum silicates of potassium or sodium or calcium or barium

Last update: July 8, 2015


Throughout much of the Piedmont Plateau and Mountain regions the decomposition of felspar and of other aluminous minerals has resulted in a deep soil of clay with which more or less sand is mixed.   [Please select]


You have there what mineralogists call quartz, you have felspar, you have mica.   [Please select]


Does he know why the twenty-sixth chapter of the 'Book of the dead' was written upon lapis-lazuli, the twenty-seventh upon green felspar, the twenty-ninth upon cornelian, and the thirtieth upon serpentine.   [Please select]


Facing Quarries--1, in Faience--_A_, of Limestone Paste--_B_, of Silicious Paste--_C_, of Felspar Paste--Manufacture, Firing--2, of Glazed Stoneware--3, of Porcelain--Applications of Facing Quarries.   [Please select]

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felony - felspar - felted