Sentence example with the word 'fetish'


amulet, devil-god, golden calf, idee fixe, leaning, lucky piece, mumbo jumbo, penchant, predilection, proclivity, scarabee, thing, whammy

Definition n. a form of sexual desire in which gratification depends to an abnormal degree on some object or item of clothing or part of the body

Last update: October 20, 2015


He has a fetish for everything he does.   [Please select]


The locals have made a fetish of this banyan tree.   [Please select]


The word fetish (or fetich) was first used in connexion with Africa by the Portuguese discoverers of the last half of the 15th century; relics of saints, rosaries and images were then abundant all over Europe and were regarded as possessing magical virtue; they were termed by the Portuguese feiticos (i.e.   [Please select]


It was a perfect fetish.   [Please select]


If a fetish stands in the way of social progress, do away with it.   [Please select]


Why should we make a fetish out of some dead forefather's example.   [Please select]


For so many centuries had the fetish of circular motion postponed discovery.   [Please select]


That was the all important pivot of his life, his altar, his fetish.   [Please select]


People went about then counting the Russian millions; the steamroller fetish was to be evolved.   [Please select]

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fetidness - fetish - fetishes