Sentence example with the word 'finicking'


Last update: October 5, 2015


It was not well drawn; it was too finicking; the pillars in the background were grotesquely squat.   [Please select]


"You see I've been all round the world, my little girl," he explained, haltingly, "and when a man's done that, and knocked about everywhere, he's apt to get finicking and notional about trifles every once in a while."   [Please select]


This Fly is less finicking in her preparations, she has more faith in the strength of her worms, which are born ready-formed and vigorous, and easily shows me what I wish to see.   [Please select]


He wants ten hours for his flea-hunt, he's so finicking; and if he can't get 'em, monsieur has the pip all day.'   [Please select]


His project meanwhile was very favourably entertained by his auditors and won hearty eulogies from all though Mr Dixon of Mary's excepted to it, asking with a finicking air did he purpose also to carry coals to Newcastle.   [Please select]


He's growing altogether too finicking and elaborate.   [Please select]

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finical - finicking - finicky