Sentence example with the word 'firelocks'


Last update: September 24, 2015


He is said to have induced his brother to employ a Parsee to purchase artillery and small arms from the Bombay government, and to enrol some thirty sailors of different European nations as gunners, and is thus credited with having been "the first Indian who formed a corps of sepoys armed with firelocks and bayonets, and who had a train of artillery served by Europeans."   [Please select]


Coniston is there still behind its mountain, with its rusty firelocks and its hillside graves.   [Please select]


Green and his men, well furnished presumably with firelocks, bullets, and powder-horns, went into this hinterland.   [Please select]


Forty thousand infantry, armed with firelocks, pikes, swords, bows and arrows, covered the plain.   [Please select]


Charles again shrugged his shoulders, and walking back to the group, said, "Get your firelocks."   [Please select]


"To the right face-- no--I mean, shoulder firelocks first off."   [Please select]


"The trouble is," resumed the captain, "that all our firelocks, great and little, are in the round-house under this man's nose; likewise the powder."   [Please select]


Indeed, I scarce knew what I was doing, but I obeyed; and as I did so, I heard the firelocks bang and the balls whistle in the birches.   [Please select]

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firelock - firelocks - fireman