Sentence example with the word 'fireweed'


Definition n. tall North American perennial with creeping rootstocks and narrow leaves and spikes of pinkish-purple flowers occurring in great abundance in burned-over areas or recent clearings

Last update: August 17, 2015


Indian paintbrush, lupine, fireweed, columbine, all dancing in radiance with occasional hummingbirds cavorting from feast to feast, their red throats sparkling in the sun.   [Please select]


A few herbs, like the fireweed, golden-rod, and pearly everlasting, occur in open places.   [Please select]


[Illustration: Striking the Colors] CHAPTER XXIII--PACKING UP THE LAST NIGHT PACKING UP INSTRUCTIONS TO LEADERS THE LAST WORD Farewell, wild hearth where many logs have burned; Among your stones the fireweed may grow.   [Please select]


Late in the following summer, when the fireweed was beginning to crimson the open spaces on the hillside, fate came to the water-meadows in a form which the bell was powerless to avert.   [Please select]

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firewater - fireweed - firewood