Sentence example with the word 'flanges'


Last update: June 18, 2015


14), are tapered to a fine point or tongue, and rigidly connected together at such a distance apart that when one of the points is pressed against the outer or "stock" rail (a) of either the siding or the main line there is sufficient space between the other tongue and the other stock rail to permit the free passage of the flanges of the wheels on one side of the train, while the flanges on the other side find a continuous path along the other switch rail and thus are deflected in the desired direction.   [Please select]


Flanges are screwed to the pulley and fastened to the shaft as shown in Fig.   [Please select]


These pipes were then screwed into pipe flanges that served as a base.   [Please select]


The fifth wheel consists of two small flanges working on the face surfaces.   [Please select]


The flanges of the cover were sufficiently long to dip into a water-seal surrounding the tank.   [Please select]


| | Frontoparietal | Fontanelle absent; | Keyhole-shaped fontanelle; | large supraorbital | smooth margins; | flanges having | flanges absent.   [Please select]


| | Frontoparietal | Large, ovoid fontanelle; | Large, elongate fontanelle; | smooth margins; | smooth margins; | flanges absent.   [Please select]


The broad interorbital flanges result in a relatively broad external interorbital distance.   [Please select]


Baloo looked up to see where the voice came from, and there was Rann the Kite, sweeping down with the sun shining on the upturned flanges of his wings.   [Please select]


No such windows were necessary in the exit doors, but to them were attached heavy galvanized iron flanges which served to cover the food receptacles.   [Please select]

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flanged - flanges - flanging