Sentence example with the word 'flexible'


able to adapt, bending, crimped, feasible, formative, lithe, mutable, plicate, ruffled, tractable, unstrict

Definition adj. capable of being changed

Last update: June 15, 2015


He keeps his body flexible through regular excercises.   [adjective]


MSP is a method that is flexible and adaptable for any type and size of program.   [adjective]


Flexible tile adhesive directly on top of the heating mat.   [adjective]


This nobleman was of a character not uncommon eighty years ago, but now very rare among public men, because a more flexible fibre has choked it.   [adjective]


A thin petticoat was the only clothing of these girls, who threw and wound their flexible limbs to a measure played on harp and tambourine.   [adjective]


Down the middle, by the ends of the benches, ran a gangway, along which three overseers paced leisurably, each with a tall, flexible wand in his hand.   [adjective]


She went up to him and with a swift, flexible, youthful movement dropped on her knees.   [adjective]


But the man whose imagination has been kept flexible and ready from earliest childhood has within him the power of sympathizing with whatever is human--yes.   [adjective]

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fleeting - flexible - flimsy