Sentence example with the word 'foment'


abate, boiling, dull, fidgets, hot, lay, nurture, relieve, start, tumult, work into

Definition v. try to stir up public opinion

Last update: July 31, 2015


The Defamation Bill fomented journalists to take to the streets.   [verb]


A Home Office press release says there will be a consultation paper on places of worship " being used to foment extremism ".   [verb]


Foment intrigue and deceit, and thus sow dissension between the ruler and his ministers.   [verb]


I denied the imputation, and proposed to punish the scoundrel who endeavoured to foment disturbance in the company.   [verb]


Both felt this so strongly that the outward and terrible side of death did not affect them and they did not feel it necessary to foment their grief.   [verb]


From Cyprus Richard sailed to Acre, arriving on the 8th of June, and in little more than a month he was able, in virtue of the large reinforcements he brought, and in spite of dissensions in the Christian camp which he helped to foment, to bring the two years' siege to a successful issue (July 12th, 1191).   [Please select]


Whether or not Ford came to the ---- ranch to foment trouble seems immaterial.   [Please select]


The very good that he tried to do seemed to foment evil.   [Please select]


Instead of quieting the discord that prevailed among the Argentinos, these victories only fomented trouble.   [Please select]


Negroes from Santo Domingo had fomented insurrection in South Carolina.   [Please select]

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folly - foment - fomentation