Sentence example with the word 'frailness'


Definition n. the state of being weak in health or body

Last update: October 30, 2015


He was thin even to seeming frailness,--yet it was the frailness of the race-horse.   [Please select]


What struck me at the time was their rose-leaf frailness and utter unsuitability for the task.   [Please select]


Her frailness touched him; he was angry at Eddie Swanson for the incessant family bickering.   [Please select]


She was thin, almost to the point of frailness, with sharp, delicately cut features; but the little chin was firm, and a flash of the brown eyes revealed a fiery soul within.   [Please select]


"Her delicacy, her frailness, have never struck me as indicating weakness,--they seem simply the proper physical accompaniments of her crystalline little soul,--she's made of a fine and delicate clay."   [Please select]

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frailest - frailness - frails