Sentence example with the word 'fraternities'


Last update: August 26, 2015


It is incorrect, however, to suppose that St Anthony took any part in the creation of the flagellant fraternities, which were the result of spontaneous popular movements, and later than the great Franciscan preacher; while Ranieri, a monk of Perugia, to whom the foundation of these strange communities has been attributed, was merely the leader of the flagellant brotherhood in that region.   [Please select]


Fraternities that had invited Carl almost weekly to lunch, now "couldn't see him."   [Please select]


But in every case they had heard of the clubs and fraternities had been human ones.   [Please select]


"They're not a bit like high school and private school fraternities or sororities--whichever you call them."'   [Please select]


Their governing body is a council of hereditary elders together with the chiefs of religious fraternities.   [Please select]


These fraternities soon acquired a military fame that was spread throughout the Christian world.   [Please select]


Fraternities and religious associations for the worship of some special saint.   [Please select]

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fraternally - fraternities - fraternity