Sentence example with the word 'froward'


balky, contrary, difficult, indisciplined, lawless, nonconforming, ornery, recusant, self-willed, sulky, transgressive, undisciplined, undutiful, wayward, wrongheaded

Definition adj. habitually disposed to disobedience and opposition

Last update: September 5, 2015


It must have been composed in a time of natural gloom and depression, after Yahweh's anger had been provoked by "a very froward generation," certainly not before the Assyrian Empire had loomed up against the political horizon, aggressive and menacing.   [Please select]


Nay, marble is not so coy as froward beauty.   [Please select]


East of Cape Froward, one is at once in a different region with a different climate.   [Please select]


"She has behaved like a froward and obstinate girl," her father said angrily.   [Please select]


Put away from thee a froward mouth, and perverse lips put far from thee.   [Please select]


Sure, luck was never more untoward Since Fortune was a vixen froward.   [Please select]


Confidence restored, he became keenly alert for a chance to humble this froward Yankee.   [Please select]


Because he was no longer a proud, froward boy as he had been, but was kind and sweet-tempered to every one, and did his duty both to God and himself.   [Please select]


The former, however, retains sufficient of his hereditary propensities to give an occasional sly blow to a froward chicken, but that very seldom of a serious or malicious character.   [Please select]

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frottage - froward - frown