Sentence example with the word 'fruited'


Last update: September 7, 2015


When standing in dense woods the trees are rather straight and formal in early growth, especially the sessile-fruited kinds, and the gnarled character traditionally assigned to the oak applies chiefly to its advanced age.   [Please select]


=Large-Fruited Thorn= The thorns, large-fruited and scarlet, are edible.   [Please select]


Certainly none that I have seen have ever fruited.   [Please select]


He began to realize that there were forces stirring in his grandson which had no beginning in Claridge blood, and were not nurtured in the garden with the fruited wall.   [Please select]


Thus, in the United States purple- fruited plums of many kinds are far more affected by a certain disease than green or yellow-fruited varieties.   [Please select]

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fruitcake - fruited - fruiterer